Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Qu extranjeros no pueden ajustar su estatus

Qu extranjeros no pueden ajustar su estatus El ajuste de estatus significa que un extranjero que se encuentra ya en Estados Unidos puede adquirir la tarjeta de residencia - tambiã ©n conocida como green card-sin necesidad de salir del paã ­s. En este artã ­culo se explica quã © personas extranjeras no pueden ajustar su estatus y, finalmente, cules child las consecuencias de ello (que pueden ser muy malas). Pero no a tasks los extranjeros se les permite beneficiarse del ajuste de estatus Quiã ©nes no pueden beneficiarse del ajuste de estatus En preliminary lugar, los extranjeros que ingresaron en estados unidos con una visa de tripulaciã ³n o trabajador de cruceros C1/D. En segundo lugar, los migrantes que entraron al paã ­s sin pasar por el control de Inmigraciã ³n y, por lo tanto, sin haber sido admitidos o parole. Lo major de este punto es entender que las personas que llegan an Estados Unidos despuã ©s de cruzar ilegalmente la frontera no podrn en el futuro obtener una tarjeta de residencia mediante un ajuste de estatus. Ni siquiera en los casos en los que se casen con ciudadanos americanos o tengan hijos mayores de 21 aã ±os en este paã ­s. En tercer lugar, los extranjeros que han trabajado en Estados Unidos sin estar autorizados por no tener permiso de trabajo o visa que les permita laborar. Si el USCIS tiene conocimiento de que se ha trabajado, denegar la peticiã ³n de ajuste de estatus. En cuarto lugar, las personas que ingresaron an Estados Unidos con una visa no inmigrante y no la han mantenido. Por ejemplo, un turista que se quedã ³ ms tiempo del permitido (turistas con visa, mirar el I-94). Esta persona no podr ajustar su estatus excepto cuando se trate del esposo/a, madre/padre, viudo/an o hijo/a soltero menor de 21 aã ±os de un ciudadano americano. En este punto resaltar que la persona con visa no inmigrante que la deja expirar y se casa con un residente permanente no podr beneficiarse del ajuste de estatus. En estos casos la opciã ³n es esperar hasta que el cã ³nyuge residente se convierta en ciudadano por naturalizaciã ³n o, en el caso de que la estadã ­a ilegal ocean menor a los 180 dã ­as, salir del paã ­s e iniciar un proceso consular de peticiã ³n de recognizable. La espera podr ser larga. En quinto lugar, los titulares de una visa de intercambio J-1 o J-2.Cuando se les acaba las visas, estas personas deben salir de Estados Unidos por un periodo de dos aã ±os, a menos que se les conceda un perdã ³n o excepciã ³n conocida como waiver. En sexto lugar, los extranjeros que llegaron an Estados Unidos sin visado por pertenecer an un paã ­s acogido al Programa de Excenciã ³n de Visas. Estas personas pueden estar en el paã ­s un mximo de 90 dã ­as y no pueden ni extender su estadã ­a ni solicitar una visa. Deben necesariamente salir. La à ºnica excepciã ³n es cuando se solicita un ajuste de estatus a su nombre por ser el esposo o la mujer o el viudo/a de un ciudadano americano o begetter o hijo soltero menor de 21 aã ±os de un estadounidense. En sã ©ptimo lugar, las personas que llegaron al paã ­s con una visa K-1 por ser el prometido/a de un ciudadano. Y los hijos de aquellos que tienen una K-2, cuando no se celebra el matrimonio con el estadounidense que solicitã ³ el visado en los 90 dã ­as siguientes su ingreso en Estados Unidos. Quedarse sin casarse es una violaciã ³n migratoria. Y en octavo lugar, los extranjeros con visas An, E o G o que tengan profesiones que les permitirã ­an tenerlas. Si bien se admiten excepciones por lo que las personas en esta categorã ­a deberã ­an consultar con un abogado o un representante acreditado. Por quã © es tan importante poder ajustar el estatus El ajuste de estatus es importante por dos razones: Ahorra dinero, al poder obtener la residencia sin necesidad de salir de EEUU.Evita que entre en aplicaciã ³n el castigo de los tres y diez aã ±os para las personas que han estado ilegalmente en Estados Unidos por ms de 180 dã ­as. Y aquã ­ est su gran importancia. Por ejemplo, si un inmigrante cruza ilegalmente la frontera y despuã ©s de unos aã ±os se casa de buena fe con un ciudadano y tiene hijos nacidos en este paã ­s se encuentra con un gran problema. En teorã ­a puede obtener los papeles porque su esposo/a ciudadano le puede pedir. Y, de hecho, la parte inicial de los trmites se va an aprobar. El problema aparece cuando le dicen que no puede ajustar su estatus y que tiene que salir de Estados Unidos y una vez fuera seguir la tramitaciã ³n en un consulado americano.Y ahã ­ le aplican el castigo de los tres y diez aã ±os. Y no siempre va a ser posible pedir un perdã ³n. Y aã ºn cuando fuera posible, no siempre se consigue. Y aã ºn consiguiã ©ndolo, se demora y hace que las familias estã ©n separadas por mucho tiempo. Por ello, si se est en una situaciã ³n en la que no se puede ajustar el estatus o se tiene dudas, risks de meter los papeles en Inmigraciã ³n es muy recomendable consultar con un abogado y tener muy claro cules child las opciones. Perdã ³n En algunos casos es posible pedir un perdã ³n para asã ­ poder obtener la green card. Adems, en los casos muy especã ­ficos de familiares inmediatos de ciudadanos que estn en USA y sã ³lo tienen el problema de que estn aquã ­ ilegalmente, verificar si se puede calificar para el perdã ³n temporary I-601A. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a legitimate.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

MODERN BUSINESS in Comparative Perspective (EXAM PREPARATION) Essay - 1

Present day BUSINESS in Comparative Perspective (EXAM PREPARATION) - Essay Example The populace in the urban communities expanded radically. There was an across the board discontent between the rich and poor people. This activated new change developments. Because of the expansion in American industry, numerous advancements developed and there was an incentive for the American merchandise. Furthermore, because of the utilization of machines, laborers had the option to create merchandise quicker than they could when utilizing hands. In addition, the accessibility of regular asset assumed a major job in the ascending of enormous business. In the UK, modern unrest started in the late 1700. Individuals make products in their homes utilizing hand devices or fundamental machines. Industrialization prompted the move and there was large scale manufacturing of products. The advancement of the steam motor assumed significant jobs in guaranteeing there was an improvement in the vehicle, correspondence, and banking industry. It likewise achieved business openings that prompted the improvement of the expectations for everyday comforts of the poor just as the regular workers. Prior to industrialization, individuals used to live in the rustic zone working on cultivating. The material business was changed by industrialization that were made in people’s homes. It was hard for dealers to manage their own calendars in the production of materials along these lines bringing about various wasteful aspects. What's more, the vehicle framework was likewise best in class from the utilization of pony attracted wagons to steamer afterwa rds steam ships. Late or recently, industrialization alludes to those nations whose degree of monetary improvement is between the creating and the main world arrangements (Wyatt, 2009). This implies that these nations have moved from the horticulture based economy to the industrialized urban economy. A portion of the nations that are industrialized incorporate Germany, China, and Japan. The improvement of a the railroad arrange affixed the transportation of merchandise from one

Friday, August 21, 2020

Common Slang Terms for Heroin

Common Slang Terms for Heroin Addiction Drug Use Heroin Print Common Slang Terms for Heroin By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Updated on January 14, 2020 Diverse Images/UIG/Getty Images   More in Addiction Drug Use Heroin Cocaine Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery In the culture surrounding illegal drugs, there are thousands of slang terms, nicknames and street names for every imaginable drug. Hundreds of those street terms are used for heroin, a highly addictive illegal drug.?? Slang terms for heroin are derived from a wide variety of sources, including the physical appearance and type of heroin; where its from; the effect it has on users; and how it is packaged for sale. Some street names for heroin are simply designed to cover up the topic of conversation and throw eavesdroppers off track. The Appearance of Heroin Some of the slang terms are based on the drugs appearance after it is cut and packaged for sale on the street. Some terms are based on the color of the drug and others on its composition. Black EagleBlack TarBlack PearlBrown CrystalBrown TapeBrown SugarBrown RhineDirtDieselGolden GirlOrange LineRed RockRed EagleRed ChickenSaltSpider BlueWhite StuffWhite NurseWhite JunkWhite StuffWhite NurseWhite Junk Place of Origin A few of the slang terms are derived from the supposed origin of the drug. Chinese RedMexican MudMexican Horse Effects of Heroin Many of the nicknames given to heroin over the years have to do with the effect it has on the user or the quality or pureness of the drug at the street level. Brain DamageDead on ArrivalHard StuffHard CandyHairyHell DustHoly TerrorJoy FlakesNice and EasyRush HourSweet Dreams Names Based on People and Characters Some of the most colorful street terms are the names of people or characters loosely associated with the drug or simply because their names start with the letter H. Sometimes, there seems to be no logic at all behind the nickname. Aunt HazelAl CaponeBatmanBart SimpsonBig HarryCharleyDooleyDr. FeelgoodGeorgeHarryHelenHazelHenryHombrePlutoRamboScottThe WitchThe Beast Terms Based on Packaging Some nicknames are based on how the drug is packaged by street-level dealers, either by the packagings appearance or cost. Big BagBlue BagBlue StarBrick GumNickel Deck Names Based on the Word Heroin Many of the slang terms are plays on the word heroin or are mispronunciations of the word. Others are used just because they begin with the letter H. Big HCapital HGalloping HorseHGood HorseGood HH CapsHayronHeroHeraHorse Names Based on Deception Like street terms for other illegal drugs, many of the slang terms for heroin are used for no other reason except they disguise the true topic of the conversation to others who might overhear. Some of these terms seem to have no other logical explanation. AriesAntifreezeBallotBig DoodigBozoBonitaBombs AwayBull DogFoilFerry DustLittle BoyNoiseReindeer DustScagSkagSmackTootsie Roll 5 Things Everyone Should Know About Heroin Addiction

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Establishing A Small For Medium Enterprise ( Sme )

When establishing a small to medium enterprise (SME), it is vital that an entrepreneur considers establishment influences, which can determine the success or failure of a business. These establishment influences consist of those in the internal and external business environment, and include the business idea, market considerations and legal considerations and influence of government. THE BUSINESS IDEA Prior to the establishment phase, an entrepreneur must have a concept that has the possibility of establishing a profitable business. This is known as the business idea, and includes ideas related to products that are existing, have been improved or are unique. The key to establishing a lucrative business is identifying the gap in the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Winkiwoo was the first Facebook photo book application that allowed a quick, worldwide, affordable, and high quality service, giving it a competitive advantage which in turn has increased the success of the business. The business idea primarily determines the core activities and products of a business and through business opportunities businesses are able to meet the changing needs of consumers with or over its competitors. MARKET CONSIDERATIONS Through the business idea entrepreneurs must have a clear understanding of the goods and/or services which the business will produce, sell and where the business itself will be located. One of the first decisions an entrepreneur must make is what goods and/or services the potential business provide. An enterprise must tailor its products ensuring the needs of market are met, which can be done through market analysis, which involves collecting, and identifying opportunities of a business on the market. Through market analysis an entrepreneur/s is able to identify where the target group is located and determine the size of the market and consumer attitudes. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hitler in Power Essay - 1719 Words

Hitler is one of the greatest known dictators in our worlds history. He is said to be the Rousseau, the Mirabeau, the Robespierre and the Napoleon of his revolution; he was its Marx, its Lenin, its Trotsky and its Stalin. He was in fact a mad man, but at the same time a genius. Not only did he convince people to go to war just 20 years after World War 1, he also influenced an entire society to commit genocide on their own people. Hitlers actions may be found very interesting for people who are familiar with his childhood and education. Throughout this time period, he was made to feel inferior by his father and uneducated by his teachers and institutions. Although very little faith and pride was instilled in him as a young child or†¦show more content†¦He was not a bad artist, as his surviving paintings and drawings show, but he never showed any originality, or creative imagination. To fulfill his dream, he had moved to Vienna, the capital of Austria. This was where the Acad emy of arts was located. He failed the first time he tried for admission. In the next year, he tried again and was very sure of success. To his surprise, he failed again. In fact, the Dean of the academy was not very impressed with his performance, and gave him a really hard time by saying things such as, You will never be a painter. The rejection really crushed him, as he now reached a dead end. He could not apply to the school of architecture because he had no high-school diploma. During the next 35 years of his life, Hitler never forgot the rejection he received in the deans office that day. While living in Vienna, Hitler made his living by drawing small pictures of famous landmarks and selling them as post cards. He was always poor. He was also a regular reader of a small paper, which claimed that the Aryan race was superior to all and was destined to rule the world. The paper blamed Communists and Jews for all their problems and Hitler agreed with these views. He continued to live a poor life in Vienna. Although he lived in Vienna and was Austrian by birth, Hitler showed more loyalty to the German ethnicity. He believed that the Aryan race was destined to ruleShow MoreRelatedAdolf Hitler And Hitler s Power1421 Words   |  6 Pages Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany and Prime Minister Benito Mussolini of Italy Andrew Chen 6 February 2017 Period 4 Chen 2 Both Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler had the same burning, profound desire for their nations to become well-respected and invincible superpowers of the world. 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Most citizens at the time wanted a leader who would fix their economic crisis. Hitler was the first to promise them out of their worries. He said he would bring the economy back to how it was and bring back jobs for the citizens but in reality he had another plan in mind. He would soon be known for the genocide and murder of millionsRead MoreHitler s Rise Of Power1221 Words   |  5 PagesAmanda Dibella English 10 MYP5 Hugh Jazz 14 March 2016 Hitler s Rise to Power Hitler s rise to power was greatly facilitated by his social mind with a theoretically high IQ of around 150 in the top 0.1% of everyone in the world. This large amount of intelligence can help him out think and keep himself one step ahead of everyone near him keeping his plans in clear site without the anyone the wiser. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Law as a Living Body Free Essays

Laws in America are constantly changing. With the changes that America has the laws do not get updated with the change of time. These laws are no longer enforced because they do not seem as bad with the changes in society. We will write a custom essay sample on Law as a Living Body or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are three phases that America operates its legal system. Law as a living body, Due process and protecting the rights of the accused. Laws are considered a living body because the laws have been changed and interpreted differently in different cases that laws have become like a living body. The living human body evolves and grows with time. The body adapts to the changes in society as does the law. Law on the books refers to the written laws. Law in action refers to the laws that are actively being used and punishable for. For example, in some states Adultery is against the law but is rarely enforced. This means the law of adultery is a law on the books not a law in action. A law in Action is a law such as sex abuse that is often enforced in every state. Objectivity of law is how and where the laws are made and interpreted. Legislatures create basic laws where judges and juries can interpret them. The living body theory refers to the way laws are constantly changing and evolving like a human body. The human body evolves and changes with the times. Due process is best defined in one word, fairness. Throughout the U. S. ‘s history, its constitutions, statutes and case law have provided standards for fair treatment of citizens by federal, state and local governments. These standards are known as due process. When a person is treated unfairly by the government, including the courts, he is said to have been deprived of or denied due process. In 1791, our Fifth Amendment rights protected all individuals, American born and immigrants, basic protection from the federal government regarding civil rights violations. The positives of due process are that a person must be proven guilty not proven innocent in the court of law. If the Officers that are investigated and prosecuting a person of a crime do not fallow the laws of due process from the very beginning to the end the case may be dismissed from court. The negatives of due process are that even a guilty person may be let free if due process laws are not fallowed correctly. Another negative is that due process focuses on the rights as individuals rather than on society as a whole. Prior to the attacks on 09/11/2001, Individuals were protected by the 4th amendment. The fourth amendment protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. Law enforcement needed to have probable cause to gain a search warrant. President Bush passed the patriot act, allowing law enforcement the right to search or seize telephones, computers, medical information or financial records on any person who is suspected of terrorism. With the Patriot act probable cause is no longer needed if a person is suspected of terrorism. The Due process of Law was created to protect the rights of those accused of committing a crime. Some of these laws date to 100 years ago and some are new laws that were developed as a result of historical court cases. Cases such as, the fourth amendment, this protects all individuals from illegal search and seizures (Mapp v. Ohio, 1961) Our fifth amendment protects individuals from self-incrimination, (Miranda v.  Arizona, 1966) And the sixth amendment protects us from being interrogated without a counsel present (Escobedo v. Illinois, 1964) Law as a living body is constantly changing and will continue to grow with the change in times. We are still protected as citizens with the changes in society. Our rights as well as the rights of others will continue to be a priority in law enforcement. Law enforcement is meant to protect society from crime, not to cause it by not valuing the rights of citizens. As society changes, the laws will too. How to cite Law as a Living Body, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Retail Store Segmentation for Target Market -

Question: Discuss about the Retail Store Segmentation for Target Market. Answer: Introduction When an organization introduces its products and services in the market, it needs to choose the appropriate target audiences. For this, it uses different approaches of market segmentation and creates a set of customers with similar characteristics and behaviors. This report includes different ways, which can be implemented by an organization to segment its customers. There is discussion about some approaches of market segmentation along with their advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, part B of the report includes the primary and secondary target market for the chosen organization, i.e. Starbucks. At the end, last section defines the positioning in general and then positioning process and statement of Starbucks. The report analyzes how an organization can target its customers and audiences for new products and services. Segmentation Approaches Segmenting the audiences is an important and common strategy that is used in marketing process to break down a larger market into small and identical groups of consumers. It is the first step in the target marketing process and aims on recognizing the groups of buyers, who have similar needs and wants. Under this process, the company chooses different segmentation variables, which are readily available and very easy to measure (Elliott, Rundle-Thiele Waller, 2014). Market research has an important role in understanding the connection between segmentation variables and buying behavior of customers. To become effective in todays competitive business environment, market segmentation should be done on the basis of up-to-date and accurate understanding of the purchasing behaviors and needs of customers and how these demands are changing. An organization can segment the audiences by considering their different characteristics, i.e. psychographic, behavioral, geographic, demographic charac teristics (Cross, Belich Rudelius, 2015). Before targeting the markets, it evaluates the potential segments by analyzing some factors, like; market potential, cost structure and competitive situation. The organization needs to consider the costs, which are included in communicating the products to satisfy the needs of potential segment. Moreover, it can estimate the sales potential by assessing thee competitive situation of organization in the market. With this analysis, it can make the decisions for, which the market segments it will aim and which it will not consider. It will ensure that companys products and services will meet the needs and demands of each segment (Weinstein Cahill, 2014). There are four segmentation approaches, which can be used by a company, are stated below; Demographic Approach Demographic Approach is one of the major approaches of market segmentation, under which an organization segments the market on the basis of demographic characteristics. These demographic characteristics are related to the measureable social characteristics of people. These are the mostly used variables for segmenting the market. Under this approach, the segmentation is done on the basis of different variables, like; gender, age, family size, occupation, income, race, nationality and religion of population (Wedel, Kamakura, 2012). Advantages There are some advantages of demographic segmentation, like; it is very simple to implement and use, because the quantifiable and statistical data is readily available in most of the markets. The required information and data can be acquired cheaply and very quickly. If the company segments the market on the basis of demographic variables, it is very easy to understand for its all people, like; management, sales and customer service staff. The market may have strong competition and this segmentation makes it very easy to identify what products to target to who and what kind of promotional techniques to utilize (Andaleeb, 2016). Disadvantages The major disadvantage of demographic segmentation is that this approach is done on the basis of assumption that people in same demographic group will have identical requirements. For example, not all 25 year old people have similar needs. Thus, the major limitation with this approach is that it provides little understanding about the customers. This segmentation may direct to the proliferation of goods. If the organization markets the products narrowly, it can decrease the development of extensive brand equity (Winston, Cahill, 2013). Geographic Approach Geographic segmentation is done on the basis of some geographic variables, like; region, climate, local population etc. These variables are the consistent predictors of needs and buying behaviors of customers for variety of products. Advantages and disadvantages of this approach are given below; Advantages This is very valuable approach for large corporations, which runs operations in many nations. It allows them to look at the cultural differences. It tends to work effectively in the countries and areas, where there are major differences in socio-economic situations in different areas. Disadvantages This approach of market segmentation is limited because it assumes that all of the customers in an area have similar requirements and demands (Hollensen, 2015). This approach needs to be used in combination with other approach. By using two approaches, a company can target the people. Psychographic Approach Like geographic and demographic variables, psychographic variables are considered on the basis of characteristics of customers. There may be differences in lifestyles, psychological traits, interests, hobbies, social status etc. This approach assists in understanding the customers by recognizing their mindsets and how they are articulated in their life styles. Advantages This approach provides a better insight in the consumer as a person that more likely direct to the recognition of underlying requirements and objectives. It can deliver a better understanding of the people that in turn can create more responsive and valid segments and marketing plans. By implementing this approach, marketers can understand the interests, expectations, hobbies and needs of customers effectively (Brown, Suter Churchill, 2017). Disadvantages The major challenge under this approach is that it needs that company has detailed information about customers. Thus, it is only suitable for the large companies, not for smaller companies. It can be very expensive because it requires extensive research, i.e. both qualitative and quantitative. Behavioral Approach Like all above characteristics, behavioral segmentation is not done on the basis of customer characteristics and on the basis of actual purchasing behavior towards products and services of company. Behavioral variables are such as; brand loyalty, expectations regarding benefits, usage, decision making pattern and behavior (Armstrong, Kotler, Harker, Brennan,2015). Advantages This approach of segmentation is utilized in the matured markets, where the companies are seeking to understand how to encourage non-users and transform the medium users to the heavy users. This approach is more suitable for the competitive industries and there is better consideration of factors, like; consumption rates and loyalty. Disadvantages This approach does not seek that why the people buy the products and services, their lifestyles and requirements. Thus, the market understanding level is not very high. It is dependent on the market intelligence and needs experimentation and market testing. Thus, an organization can implement these approaches of market segmentation, which are both advantageous and disadvantageous for the company. These assist the company in understanding the needs and demands of customers and segmenting the market. The marketers can implement the above approaches according to the nature of company and its products and services. Target Market for the Organization Starbucks Corporation is a popular coffee house chain and coffee company in United States of America. It is a successful retailer and promoter of fame coffee all over the world. Company is having good position in the coffee and beverages industry (Starbucks, 2017). As of 2016, it owns 23,768 stores across the world. Its stores serve both cold and hot drinks, whole-bean coffee, instant coffee, like; caffe latte, espresso, fresh juices etc. In addition to this, it offers snacks also, like; crackers and chips. Currently, it holds approximate 33 percent of market shares in US coffee market. The target market for the products and services of this company is vast. When the company introduces its new products in the market, it targets a specific market on the basis of market segmentation (Schultz, 2012). Using above approaches of market segmentation, Starbucks has to decide that how many and which areas to approach. This process is known as targeting. The target market profile of Starbucks is divided in two segments, like; primary target market and secondary target market. The target market for Starbucks is stated below; Primary Market Primary target customers are founded by analyzing the data or information from emphasizing on those, who drink prepackaged coffee at their home. The organization is targeting the market on the basis of demographic and psychographic characteristics. Under demographic segmentation, the primary target market of this company includes both male and female from the age group of 24 to 40 years old. It is targeting the people of higher income level and graduates. Moreover, it is targeting the people of different social classes, like; upper middle, lower middle and middle class. These are the customers, who account for half of its business revenues. Primary Target market of Starbucks increases at a rate of 3 percent every year (Bilgic, Kantardzic, Cakir 2015). Secondary Market Secondary market of the company is the second most significant customer segment, which the marketers wish to target. It may have fewer needs and demands for the companys products. Under this market, Starbucks is targeting both male and female from the age group of 18 to 23 years old. Furthermore, it is considering the students and under-graduates people as the prices of products are high and they cannot be afforded by them. In this market, the needs and demands of Starbucks coffee and drinks are lower than primary target market. Starbucks is using effective decision criteria by understanding that Starbucks is not just brand of coffee, but it is like an experience, which a customer is valuing in the morning in coffee time. It is making the decision by believing that products and services of the company are costly, but trending, so it is targeting the above audiences (Armstrong, et al, 2015). It has decided by considering different consumer segments in the coffee market, i.e. In-home vs. Out of house and Ground coffee vs. instant coffee. This part shows that Starbucks has used demographic and socio-economic approaches to target the market. Making this decision is beneficial for the sales and profits of the company in todays competitive business environment. Positioning Positioning is an overall strategy of a company, which targets to make a brand approach a unique position, comparative to competitors in the mind of customers (Tu, Wang Chang,2012). It refers to the place, which a company sets in the customers mind and how it is differentiated from the goods and services of competitors. It describes how the targeted customers perceive the offers of company relative to the offers of competitors. Positioning is totally based on the customer perceptions that may or may not resemble with the objective features of products. Positioning of Starbucks Utilizing Effective positioning enables an organization to provide the value requirements as per its target markets. After making decisions on target markets, companies decide that what position it desires to occupy in target market. So, it makes major focus on some significant attributes, like; quality, price, product, competitor etc. Starbucks places itself as a high priced coffee brand that wishes to sell products with high quality to the young generations with the average income or who have the potential to earn the money (Dudoyskiv, 2017). This organization wants to become a high quality coffee brand in the perception of its potential customers. The major competitors of Starbucks are Costa and Dunkin Donuts, which have placed themselves same as Starbucks. In addition to this, Starbucks is also using adaptive positioning, under which it has developed low calories coffee beverages, i.e. Chai Tea Latte and Caffe Misto as the health consciousness is increasing among customers (Gallaugher, Ransbotham, 2010). Furthermore, it positions itself under standby positioning, where some beverages of Starbucks like; Frappuchino has to wait for the changes in market for a specific period to search its needs and demand. This organization has understood the opinions of public, however it takes long time to produce, but after energizing, it can assist pulling the organization into the competitive market (Tu, et al., 2012). Thus, Starbucks is using effective strategies for choosing its primary and secondary target markets and positioning itself among these targeted audiences efficiently. It is very important to use effective positioning to attract a large base of customers towards new products and services of the company. Each and every company should use an appropriate segmentation approach to select target audiences and place the products in market by using effective positioning. References Andaleeb, S. S. (2016). Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning. InStrategic Marketing Management in Asia: Case Studies and Lessons across Industries(pp. 179-207). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2015).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Bilgic, E., Kantardzic, M., Cakir, O. (2015). Retail Store Segmentation for Target Marketing. InIndustrial Conference on Data Mining(pp. 32-44). Springer, Cham. Brown, T. J., Suter, T. A., Churchill, G. A. (2017).Basic marketing research: Customer insights and managerial action. Nelson Education. Cross, J. C., Belich, T. J., Rudelius, W. (2015). How marketing managers use market segmentation: An exploratory study. InProceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 531-536). Springer, Cham. Dudoyskiv, J. (2017). Starbucks Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Targeting Premium Customers with Quality Products and Service. Retrieved from Elliott, G., Rundle-Thiele, S., Waller, D. (2014). Marketing. John Wiley Sons Australia Ltd. Milton, Queensland. Gallaugher, J., Ransbotham, S. (2010). Social media and customer dialog management at Starbucks.MIS Quarterly Executive,9(4). Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Schultz, H. (2012).Pour your heart into it: How Starbucks built a company one cup at a time. Hachette UK. Starbucks, (2017). Starbucks- The Best Coffee and Espresso Drinks. Retrieved from Tu, Y. T., Wang, C. M., Chang, H. C. (2012). Corporate brand image and customer satisfaction on loyalty: An empirical study of Starbucks coffee in Taiwan.Journal of Social and Development Sciences,3(1), 24-32. Wedel, M., Kamakura, W. A. (2012).Market segmentation: Conceptual and methodological foundations(Vol. 8). Springer Science Business Media. Weinstein, A., Cahill, D. J. (2014).Lifestyle market segmentation. Routledge. Winston, W., Cahill, D. J. (2013).How consumers pick a hotel: strategic segmentation and target marketing. Routledge.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Modern Politics free essay sample

Politics have come a long way from Niccolo Machiavelli in the late 1400’s to current political philosophers of the twentieth century. Many of those great theorists had one single thing in common: they have strived to break old concepts of political thought, being it racial and gender inequality, or ideas on how to be a leader with less opposition. In modern politics, after a long period of centralized governments, the brief trend of gaining freedom and equality has been deteriorating and the creation of an illusion of freedom has slowly replaced the true freedom of speech and thought. In the times of Machievelli, governments were centralized under the power of a prince. In his book â€Å"The Prince,† Machiavelli discussed how a prince should act in order to be fully respected and maintain full power. He suggested that a prince should do whatever was necessary to achieve his objectives and never rely only on ideals; additionally, no price was too high to pay for success, and a prince should focus more on being loved than feared if not possible to have both at the same time. We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Politics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the same thought, â€Å"a prince should not worry if he incurs reproach for his cruelty so long as he keeps his subjects united and loyal† (RWH, p. 0); in other words, a prince should sometimes be cruel. Moreover, Machiavelli did not believe in individual freedom. Even the prince needed to follow rules to maintain his success and everyone else had to follow the prince’s orders and live with fear. Hobbes had a similar view of Machiavelli’s. He believed that â€Å"kings, whose power is greatest, turn their endeavor to the assuring it at home by laws or abroad by wars† (Leviathan, 83). This required a need for a centralized government with full powers to the ruler. Small changes to this political thought arose with John Locke; although still believing in a centralized government, Locke did not grant full power to the king. All government powers had to be limited by life, liberty, and property, and one should â€Å"do whatsoever he thinks fit for the preservation of himself and others within the permission of the law of Nature† (RWH, 139). Next in history we have Marx and Engels’ â€Å"The Communist Manifesto. † In this book, the authors explained the history of class struggle and suggested a very different way of how society should work. They noticed that â€Å"every form of society ha[d] been based†¦on the antagonism of the oppressing and oppressed classes,† and that the only path to form a new society was through this class struggle (CM, 64). Here, in a similar view from the Free Speech movement, the oppressed mass should fight for their rights; however, unlike the Free Speech Movement, this fight was not only to secure their freedom and equality, but to end a capitalist world that was being created by the oppressing class. Marx and Engels claimed that the â€Å"work of the proletarians ha[d] lost all individual character†¦[and men were becoming] an appendage of the machine† (CM, 58). As a consequence, the mass was losing their buying power exponentially and being forced to work longer hours in order to keep up with the price of the commodities. To end the injustice seen in front of their eyes, they created a new political party, the Communist party, where â€Å"capital [would be] converted into common property† to lose â€Å"its class character† (CM, 68). This form of government was installed in a few countries for a period. However, it did not benefit the oppressed class as they suggested; instead, it united the bourgeoisie and proletariats, and the only class remaining was now oppressed by the Communist party. In a different view from Marx and Engels, Ortega y Gasset examines the creation of the mass-man, not in terms of social class, but in terms of actions in society. He claims that due to â€Å"liberal democracy, scientific experiment, and industrialism,† no man was â€Å"confronted with obstacles and limitations† from birth (RM, 8); a man could change his path to becoming a noble by doing something great and simultaneously he could become a mass-man by being ordinary. An ordinary man is one that is only concerned with their well-being, â€Å"and at the same time [he] remain[s] alien to the cause of that well-being† (RM, 10). He does not realize how society merited his luxuries and he believes that those are a natural right. Therefore, the â€Å"mass-man† could be from any social background, and as a result, there were no social barriers to one’s future. According to Ortega, since the modern mass do not consider any authority external to themselves due to their selfish ways, they believe to have â€Å"complete freedom as its natural established condition† (RM, 11). On the other hand, the noble man is compelled to follow â€Å"some standard beyond himself† to better society (RM, 11). Nevertheless, these are mere illusions; the mass-man is actually oppressed, and by choice, and the noble man is not. Thus, by acting toward the greater good, one could achieve individual freedom in Ortega’s view. The first political movement for true individual freedom was the Civil Rights Movement initiated in the 1950’s. The Civil Rights Movement was a worldwide mass political movement to achieve equal legal rights. It was initiated by student political organizations from several different universities in the San Francisco area with a series of protests and riots; they aimed to abolish public and private racial discrimination and fight for equal rights. This movement was mainly African American, but it was also the beginning for women’s liberation, to stop nuclear testing, apartheid, and discriminatory employee practices, or any kind of inequality in our society. According to Martin Luther King Jr. , â€Å"Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself, and that is what has happened to the American Negro. Something within has reminded him of his birthright of freedom, and something without has reminded him that it can be gained† (MLKJ, 6). Following the Civil Rights Movement was the Free Speech Movement. The Free Speech Movement was also done through protests and riots on the Berkeley University campus by student political organizations to ensure freedom of speech and literature. It also wanted to stop the prohibition of political activities on the university campus. An interesting connection that can be done however is the relationship between the Civil Rights movement and â€Å"On Bullshit† by Henry Frankfurt. The Civil Rights movement fought against inequality; nonetheless, women were not seen as equal by their own revolution â€Å"brothers. † When they tried to take a more active position of leadership, they encountered resistance from the part of their revolution â€Å"brothers. † This led them to begin their own fight. â€Å"On Bullshit,† Frankfurt states that â€Å"the essence of bullshit is not that is false but that is phony† (HF, 5). This is what activists were doing at that time. They claimed to want equality to all in matters of law, but in fact, they did not see women as equal. In society today, although one is believed to have total individual freedom, one has not. Racial and gender discrimination in the matter of law or freedom of speech are no longer an issue, but individuals are still discriminated in the everyday life. An example of it is white males having more chances of being promoted to a leadership position or earning a higher salary. According to Lippmann, a recent trend in modern politics is the manufacturing of consent. It has become more and more present in the political environment and politicians, officials, or organizations leaders have a better capability of creating consent by persuasion. This happens because â€Å"established leaders of any organization have great natural advantages. They are believed to have better sources of information†¦it is, therefore, easier for them to secure attention and to speak in a convincing tone. But they also have a great deal of control over the access to the facts† (Lippmann, 135). Through that control, they can limit what the mass will have knowledge on, and consequently, guide their thoughts and decisions to what they prefer; every â€Å"official finds himself deciding more and more consciously what facts, in what setting, in what guise he shall permit the public to know† and that gives them more power than anyone should have (Lippmann,135). A similar view of the same matter is discussed by Hannah Arendt. In â€Å"Lying in Politics,† Arendt exposes how the American government released false facts about the war in order to protect the reputation of our country and the image that its citizens had of it. This exemplifies Lippmann’s arguments perfectly. Leaders have the power to choose what facts to be released to the public in order to influence their thoughts. Besides choosing what facts will be released to the public and when to release them, politicians â€Å"take, if not the whole mass, then the subordinates of the hierarchy sufficiently into their confidence to prepare them for what might happen, and to make them feel that they have freely willed the result† (Lippmann, 134). This method is genius; being able to convince someone that your idea is their idea is the best way for secretly controlling others and succeeding in achieving your goals; â€Å"persuasion has become a self-conscious art and a regular organ of popular government† (Lippmann,136). In â€Å"Truth and Politics,† again by Arendt, there is a similar thinking: opinions will be formed in regards to an issue after arduous analysis of several different perspectives (Truth and Politics, 238); this will make â€Å"present to†¦mind[s] the standpoints of those who are absent† and in that way, their ideas will be expressed (Truth and Politics, 241). Nevertheless, when representing others point of view, one is not fully adopting that point of view; thus, that idea is being â€Å"look[ed] upon the world from a different perspective† (Truth and Politics, 241). Consequently, this act mimics as if one is thinking for themselves and changing the idea according to one’s personality and beliefs, when it actually does not; hence, there is an illusion of an original thinking. Adding this process to the power leader have of what facts to expose, the manufacturing of consent becomes an easy task to do and is a powerful weapon for politicians to have.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Ibis Hotel Introduction Tourism Essay Essays

The Ibis Hotel Introduction Tourism Essay Essays The Ibis Hotel Introduction Tourism Essay Essay The Ibis Hotel Introduction Tourism Essay Essay Ibis is Europes taking budget hotel with more than 950 hotels in 55 states ; ibis offers its clients the highest degree of service and ultimate comfort in its class at the best market monetary values. The ibis criterion guarantees its clients around the universe offer homogenous: a modern room, connected and soundproofed bedding to innovative comfort, breakfast from 4am to midday and a varied culinary art. In this ultimate comfort the ibis room: became modern, comfy and to the full equipped, all hotels in the web, the ibis room is designed to offer its clients a happy slumber and the ability to work calmly: soundproof, connected to the Wi-Fi hotel, with a flat-screen LCD Television, a broad bathroom and a work desk. New bedding to soothe Ibis, happy sleep specializer, has developed a construct of advanced and radical bedclothes. The pillows are generous, welcoming eiderdown and mattress adapts absolutely to your organic structure for a deep, reposeful slumber. And the secret arm of ibis a mattress 7 centimeter more comfort for soft esthesiss. Unprecedented in the economic system section, the new ibis will alter your bed darks. The highest degree of service in its category degree Celsius is enjoy your stay unclouded twenty-four hours and dark, our squads are at your disposal Our squads live to the beat of your demands and your desires: Front 24h/24, little kitchen ibis at all times and a saloon service unfastened continuously. A committedness to quality service Ibis is the first hotel trade name to have economic since 1997, the ISO 9001 quality enfranchisement. This International Standard trades with the quality service twenty-four hours and dark response, adjustment, little kitchen ibis, and breakfast from 4am to midday and saloon service. Today, 758 ibis hotels in 21 states are certified ISO 9001 or 84 % of the web. The contract Satisfaction 15 proceedingss Contract Satisfaction 15 proceedingss is a alone illustration of this demanding procedure. If a cloud disturbs the abode of a client, ibis squads give 15 proceedingss level for a solution, twenty-four hours and dark, and if they can non run that small cloud in the allotted clip, the client is invited by the hotel. Ibis open uping environmental committedness Ibis registered its committedness under PLANET 21, the plan of Accor s sustainable development. Ibis is the first planetary concatenation engaged in the environmental enfranchisement ISO 14001 which installs a uninterrupted advancement via: a recent ongoing conformity ordinances uninterrupted betterment: hotels certified are on a regular basis audited to put new ends. Already 420 hotels in 18 states have achieved ISO 14001 environmental enfranchisement. SEVEN P S PRODUIT: The ibis criterion guarantees its clients around the universe offer homogenous: a modern room connected and soundproofed bedding to innovative comfort, breakfast from 4am to midday and a varied culinary art, Attentive and efficient. Monetary value: Harmonizing the monetary value of ibis is one of the major determiners of the profitableness of the hotel, and the monetary value besides depends on which metropolis the hotel is situated, so Ibis Greenwich is small be expensive because of the activity and the advantage that the around him. Topographic point: Ibis Greenwich is located in a really charming and cunning town, and is located in the bosom of Greenwich, near the Maritime Museum, Cutty Sark, and Royal Observatory and the train station Promotion: sing the publicity hotel ibis make a new construct where you reserve 2 darks with Ibis manners every Tuesday and you pay for merely 1 dark, you can book to in last you will hold possibility to acquire 50 % every hebdomad terminal Friday and Saturday. Peoples: The Ibis Greenwich has a really friendly receptionist staff and really rough response of this profession the making requires is GCSE or LEVEL and is depend for which trade name or star are you working if you do nt hold any making but you have a motive for the trade of the Ibis hotel industry hotel will suggest you rating of preparation to germinate a squad leader to director. Procedure: all Ibis client usage cyberspace to book or do they are suites reserve or, send of Email or naming the line reserve for and all our reserve agent will answer to the client by electronic mail, facsimile, or station. Physical Evidence: the hotel is clean, the suites are clean, quiet, good het hotel, the staff are presentable and pleasant hypertext transfer protocol: // id=zFfo2MGH90gC A ; pg=PA41 A ; source=gbs_toc_r A ; cad=4 # v=onepage A ; q A ; f=false analysis of the Micro and Macro Environment of cordial reception selling THE MACRO ENVIRONMENT Economy: Consumers passing on cordial reception services are discretional disbursement. The portion of family budgets spent on nutrient off from place declined somewhat during the recession of the early 1990s ( Putnam and Allshouse 1999 ) . Society and civilization: As societal and civilization values, beliefs, and sentiments change, chances are created for new merchandises, services, and constructs. As people become more concerned about second-hand fume, more eating houses, even in provinces where a complete smoke prohibition is non required, have become wholly smoke free, Hotel besides provide non-smoking suites or floors in response to the modern-day clime of the societal environment. Political: the eating houses restaurant industry continues to see force per unit area from the authorities, to better nutritionary labelling or the province and local degrees, finish selling bureaus, such as province touristry offices and convention and visitants, play an of import function in constructing gross revenues for the cordial reception industry. Technology: the greatest impacts of engineering on cordial reception operations are in the country of communications and the sum and quality of information available for illustration computing machines are used to maintain path of a invitee s history on disbursement, Hotel offer automatic cheque in and look into out etcaˆÂ ¦ Environment: Many cordial reception administrations have implemented environment friendly plans like many restaurant serve H2O merely on petition, and hotels ask invitees to maintain towels on the rack if they will be used once more so that they will non be washed unnecessarily. The micro environment Rivals the market topographic point for independent operations is much more competitory than it was merely a few old ages ago. The high grade of competition in both the hotel and the eating house sections affects pricing schemes and all other elements of the selling mix. And the comparatively disconnected nature of the industry means that the environment will stay extremely competitory and unpredictable. Customers: households are of import to cordial reception sellers for two grounds PESTEL POLICAL ECONOMIC SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY environment legal Political The political scene has an tremendous influence on the ordinance of concerns, the buying power of purchasers, every bit good as related companies for this ground, we had to take a expression at many standards policy so that companies can turn and perspective is instead a healthy ambiance. Economic Sellers need to see the province of a trading economic system in the short and long footings. This is particularly true when planning for international selling. Social and cultural the societal and cultural influences on concerns vary from one state to another. It is really of import that such factors be considered. What is the dominant faith, what are the topographic point of work forces and adult females within the society, what are the reactions when coming to foreign merchandises and services? In the hotel industry the sociological facets of UK have non truly affected the concern ; UK is a instead unfastened minded state and therefore is easy traveling for the hotel concern. Technological Technology is critical for our competitory advantage, and is a major driver of globalisation engineering offers companies a new manner to pass on with their consumers. With development of cyberspace, most of the engagements are made via cyberspace. Finally engineering allows for merchandises and services to be made more cheaply and to a better criterion of quality. Environment: PLANET 21 is our 21 committednesss to sustainable development. Health, nature, C, invention, local development, employment and duologue: 21 committednesss to assist the universe run a little more swimmingly. Legal: these are related to the legal environment in which houses operate. In recent old ages in the UK there have been many significantA legal alterations that have affected houses behavior. Opportunities Development of accomplishments, calling chance Evolution of poste to another like ( the director at response ) , possibility to go around the universe IBIS HOTEL SWOT Strength Located in the bosom of Greenwich Near the Maritime Museum, Cutty Sark, And Royal Observatory And train station. The suites offer satellite Television and internet entree. Relax at the saloon with a java or a glass of vino Let your ego be tempted by the bites and light repasts that are offered. Increase the twin suites Menaces There is strong competition in the market, opening of smaller hotel, and client petitions a really high making Failings The hotel charged me for twice for the same room on the same dark, claiming I did non demo up for the second of the A I could non park at the hotel, the two highly suffering receptionists offered me the ?10 parking license which would enable me to park Tiny suites uncomfortable beds Porters FIVE Forces Harmonizing to Porter ( 2001 ) the cyberspace is an enabling engineering that can be used within the context of a good concern scheme in any industry. The five forces that impact fight which are outlined in Porter s 1980 work are: barriers to entry, menace of replacements, dickering power of purchasers and Sellerss, and the competition among bing rivals. The most of import determiner of a market place s net income potency is the intrinsic power of purchasers and Sellerss. Menace of Substitute Goods In the hotel industry there is normally another hotel merely around the corner. They appear in all monetary value scopes, with changing degrees of service and comfortss. The changeless challenge will ever be to acquire the invitee to take your hotel over the rival. The cyberspace makes the overall market more efficient while spread outing the size of the possible market and making new permutation menaces. Given the authority of this menace a brilliant cyberspace presence is critical. Dickering Power of Buyers Business individuals taking a hotel for concern travel are savvy consumers and they are comfy with computing machine engineering, It has become really simple for them to travel on-line and book a hotel. They no longer need travel agents, corporate travel advisers or in-between work forces of any sort to find where they will remain. Porter s theoretical account predicts this riddance of mediators. Rivalry among bing rivals The competition among rivals in the hotel industry is ferocious. When possible clients can larn about a hotel on line, the cyberspace reduces the differences among rivals. Peoples tend to seek the best monetary value for the best experience and the inclination is to cut down monetary value to be competitory. The cyberspace covers broad geographical countries so the market is widened increasing the figure of rivals. Barriers to Entry The initial investing in the hotel industry creates rather a barrier to entry but certain barriers to come ining the hotel market are reduced by the cyberspace. A presence on the cyberspace reduces nouveau-riche selling costs slightly, and gives the new rival entree to possible providers and resources.. Dickering power of providers While this is non a significant menace in the hotel industry it can hold impact particularly in the country of labor. With an aging population, there are fewer people to make full service industry occupations and hotels which can pull first-class staff have a greater opportunity of supplying first-class and exceeding experiences to their patronage. As portion of their cyberspace scheme all hotel ironss should hold a subdivision on enlisting for employment.A hypertext transfer protocol: // Cleavage and placement Harmonizing to the Ibis website the SEGMENT AND DESIGN is International standardised trade name. ROOM SIZE 16/17sqm Can be customized harmonizing to market demands. BEDDING the bed comfort is one of our extreme precedences. We will be establishing a new Ultimate Comfort Bed . QUALITY Most of the hotels have been ISO 9001 certii ¬?ed. ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY Over 400 hotels in 17 states have obtained ISO 14001 Environmental Certii ¬?cation. Since its creative activity in 1974, ibis has expanded continuously and has a web of 957 hotels, 117,171 suites in 55 countries*** . This strong planetary placement is the consequence of an ambitious enlargement program launched in 2007. hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Branding An ultimate comfort offer the ibis room: modern, comfy and well-equipped in every hotel of the web, the ibis room is designed to offer to its invitees a happy slumber and the possibility to work calmly: soundproof, connected to the hotel Wi-Fi, with a level screen LCD Television, a broad bathroom and a desk. Brand new bed, trade name new comfort Ibis, the good-nights-sleep specializer, has developed an advanced and radical bedclothes construct. Pillows are downy, the eiderdown is super-soft and the hi-tech mattress aligns with the denseness points which provide your organic structure, so your slumber will be deep and bracing. And the ibis secret arm is a 7cm topper of excess comfort for a soft and welcoming feel. Unique in the economic system hotel section, the new ibis bed will transform your darks. Recommendation Ibis hotel must concentrate more on concern section and single travelled, must alter they are design room, besides enlarge the anteroom infinite. Decision The success in the touristry sector is non within the range of everyone, the trade of the hotel industry and providing require certain qualities really Particular. First of all, and contrary to what we tend to believe that bearers are non easy, they are surely travel, leisure, pleasance, but the bulk of occupations are sedentary serious or nerve-racking.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Enlightenment by Immanuel Kant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Enlightenment by Immanuel Kant - Essay Example This implies that in deed it was the enlightenment age. He added that a prince ought to indicate clearly that his duty is not to dictate anything about religious subjects but he should leave them completely free. According to Immanuel, enlightenment’s main point is the emergence of men from self-imposed nonage. Primarily the nonage is in religious matters since rulers are not interested in playing the guardian in their subjects, the sciences and arts. He also added that nonage in religion is the most harmful and dishonorable. According to Immanuel only, enlightened man can give people freedom to argue as much as they like and about what they like but obey (Porter, 2001).Jerusalem: or on religious power and Judaism by Moses Mendelssohn One of the most political tasks, according to Moses, was balancing religion and state, civil and ecclesiastical constitution as well as churchly and secular authority. This is because they did not but they just became burdens on social life and weighed down its foundation rather than upholding it. Men had strived in solving it and enjoyed settling it practically instead of solving it theoretically (Jacob, 2001). Some of them thought of separating these different societal men’s relations into moral entities and assign every province specific duties, rights, properties and powers. The extent of various boundaries and provinces could not, however, be fixed accurately.According to Moses, disposition has an advantage of being consistent. He terms it to have answer to every question.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Globalization - Essay Example There is virtually no area of business that is not opportunistic for globalization if the organisation is focused on finding new market opportunities, identifying opportunities for exportation, and strengthening global business relationships with foreign organisations. Consumer behaviour characteristics, related to a variety of products produced both domestically and internationally, also play a role in defining globalization. These are cultural elements that are driven by social characteristics and the economic status of a region. As the need for raw products continues to grow, new procurement avenues and education regarding manufacturing drives globalization efforts. New trade agreements support globalization as businesses spread their knowledge in the form of acquisitions, mergers and other business partnerships in order to enhance competitiveness. By most practical definitions, globalization is taking a self-sustaining industry and extending it beyond borders to improve the socia l well-being of local and foreign citizens and improving the infrastructure that drives business activities in a variety of segments. Four drivers of globalization in Belgium One aspect associated with Belgium that drives globalization efforts is the local cultural dimensions that exist as related to business practices and social identity. Belgium, under Hofstede’s model of cultural practices, maintains a culture that is risk averse, known under this model as uncertainty avoidance. Belgium business leaders demand its internal political structure that drives the hierarchy to consist of clear choices with a strong rationale, expects senior leadership to produce detailed plans before launching any effort linked to finance, and develop contingency plans in the event of potential failure (Donnison, 2008). The Uncertainty Avoidance Index consists of Belgium business cultures that have little tolerance for ambiguity and demand a very rigid structure in most business objectives. This risk-averse culture drives globalization in a way that is unique from other countries with less uncertainty avoidance. Rather than extended business into multiple foreign markets, Belgium demands its partnerships to include very detailed schematics and plans before making an investment decision. Belgium businesses would rather maintain control over its organisational principles and financial decision-making, therefore it allows much more foreign direct investment directly into the country rather than seeking expansion to foreign territories. As one example, Belgium’s culture dictates a need for domestic controls, therefore when new business acquisitions or mergers are necessary in order to achieve higher profitability or improve domestic production capabilities, Belgium will seek out partners to bring their own knowledge and skills directly into the country. This has provided many opportunities for investors in a multitude of industries to enter the Belgium consumer and indu strial markets, without Belgium having to sacrifice its long-standing social and business principles. This has opened new market opportunities for foreign countries to expand their marketing and sales presence, along with industrial exports, thus improving supply chain, expanding international knowledge in management and technology, and

Monday, January 27, 2020

Analysis of Indias Potential in the New World Order

Analysis of Indias Potential in the New World Order INTRODUCTION Background Dramatic changes at the global level have initiated a process of reorientation of the power distribution and emergence of new powers in international politics. The changes initiated with the disintegration of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR ), the unification of Europe in pursuit of an identity of its own ,a sharp decline of communism has set in a process of transition in world affairs, the sudden and consistent rise of asian countries mainly China, India ASEAN Bloc, emergence of resurgent Russia and establishment of new economic power blocs like the G20, BRIC RIC. The emergence of USA as the sole super power and its global war on terror have changed the security scenario for all and sundry. The existing obscurity has given rise to new opportunities, new speculations and new considerations regarding power distribution. A gradual shift from a geo-political world order to a geo-economical world order has come to stay. There is no doubt that any future order would have th e considerations such as comprehensive national power to incl Economy and the power it wields albeit indirectly, at the centre of any international power game. Global shifts happen rarely and are even less often peaceful. The transfer of power from west to east will dramatically change the context of dealing with international challenges. In the early 20th century the imperial order and the aspiring states of Germany and Japan failed to adjust to each other. That led to wars which devastated the better part of the world. The coming shift in power will have a greater impact globally and will require assimilation of diverse political and cultural systems. Todays rising powers seek redress of past grievances, are proudly nationalistic and want to claim their rightful place in the comity of nations. Asian rise in economic terms will translate into greater political and military power, thus increasing the potential damage from conflicts. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has noted that- In the next two decades China and India will undergo industrialisation four times the size of the United States and at five times the speedFor the first t ime in many centuries, power is moving East. Blair added that In this new world, we must clear a path to partnership, not stand off against each other competing for power. The worldcannot afford a return to the 20th century struggles for hegemony.[1] India being a part of this evolutionary and revolutionary strategic economic process needs to apprise herself of these changes and redefine: if required, her goals and objectives to emerge as a reckonable force from the present mesh of contradictions and complexities. The term reckonable force can be redefined as a regional power when one views Indias prospects vis-Ã  -vis her size, geo-strategic location, abundant natural resources, size of economy and military capability. The Indian nation is not just a nation, but a subcontinent. Being a subcontinent not only in size, but by its population which is in excess of One Billion, sets it apart in a World with a total population of a little above Five Billion means that in every Five Human being on Earth one is an Indian. It is on record that the Indian Armed Forces is the Fourth Largest in the World. India has since the past Twenty Eight years been exerting her influence in the South Asian sub-region. Thus India has functioned for over half her period of independence as a regional power in the literal sense. It is instructive that given the New World Order in which the US is about the only Super power, it is pertinent that in order to maintain the Balance of Power, that Nations like Brazil and India with a long period of History devoid of expansionist propensity, should emerge as a Super power to enhance the balance of power in the South Asian sub-region, and the World in general. The Indo-Pak conflict of 1971 leading to the emergence of Bangladesh, peace keeping operations in Sri Lanka, quick repression of an attempted coup in Maldives, deployment of Indian navy in Gulf of Aden and the enhanced engaegemnt and involvement of India in various international forums both on strategic geopolitical stage provide ample evidence that India possesses many of the attributes of a regional power. The emergence as a knowledge based economy and as a Human resource powerhouse, make India a force to reckon with today and strong vibrant economy in future. In the recent past, India enhanced role in plethora of world fora and the Indo-US Nuclear deal and subsequent ratification by Nuclear Suppliers Group IAEA. However, in some areas like all round economic development, poverty, population explosion, literacy rates and foreign policy to some extent, India is lacking at the moment. For India to emerge as a regional power, these unfavourable areas need critical attention and rea ppraisal. The Indian economy is growing at an average rate of 8 per cent a year. Most Indian and foreign observers are confident that India will sustain this tempo of growth in the near future, and will go on to become one of the worlds leading economies and a global political power in 2020. A few voices draw attention to the tremendous economic, political and social challenges facing India that the country must overcome before it can lay claim to being a world power [2]. Indians have always known that their nation has the potential to be significant power in a way in which citizens of nations with smaller populations do not. Nehru himself , for all that he emphasized the benign nature of Indian power, was clear in his mind that India, with its vast population, will always make a difference in the world Fate , he said, has marked for us big things.[3] Thus we need always be mindful of the developments that are occurring behind the veil of regional instability that is drawn across Indias rise to power. If that veil were ever to be drawn back, the world might witness the quite sudden advent of India onto the wider Indian Ocean stage as a significant pan regional player. That is not to say that India will quickly overcome the organizational and internal political difficulties alluded to above ; it is to make the point, rather, that as far as Indias Indian Ocean region is concerned, its power potential is very high when viewed in comparative terms. In this sense, it would be quite wrong to set India against the powers of the northern Pacific and to judge its power potential according to those standards.[4] Statement of the Argument A countrys role in the international system is not a random occurrence or a result of an accident; but is basically a function of its power position in the international hierarchy. To have a Subject Role in international politics is to be a part of the power structure and the inner circle that makes vital decisions about the fate and destiny of the international system and the nations within it. The Object Role nations are at the receiving end of the decisions made by the subject role nations. A third in-between category is that of an independent centre of power. These nations do not have the leverage to influence the course of the international system as a whole, but do possess enough capability to have, within a given configuration of power, a considerable degree of autonomy and the capability to resist the application of unwelcome and forced decisions. While subject nations have global influence, independent centres of power are often dominant or pre-eminent in a certain region. T hey may, therefore may also be referred to as Regional Powers . Typically a subject nation resists the emergence of a regional power; for to accommodate others to a similar role is to diminish ones own power. The tendency is to extend ones own power and exercise domination over others so as to reduce the emerging regional powers to the status of a mere object nation.[5] India gained pre-eminence in South Asia in the aftermath of the Indo-Pak war of 1971 but more recently with the steady economic growth, growing international stature and active interaction and involvement in various world forums have made it an independent power centre (regional power) in South Asia. With the recent changes in the world politics and diffusion of power, countries with regional prominence have come to possess a great capacity for asserting themselves. In this context, India has the capability and the potential to be elevated to the status of a regional power. An analysis of various factors in the light of international power structure would facilitate the prognosis of the status India is likely to achieve by 2020 AD i.e. Regional Power. Aim To assess Indias potential in the new world order so as to forecast the prospects of India emerging as a regional power in South Asia by 2020 AD. Justification for the Study Ever since gaining independence in 1947, India has moved slowly but steadily towards its role as a regional power. Historically, India has been the seat of famous ancient civilisations. It invokes memories of past greatness, though episodic; and of epochs of creativity, not only in Philosophy and Literature but also in Science and Mathematics. The fact that the last several centuries saw India under alien rule only makes aspirations in the restoration of greatness all the more deeply felt'[6]. Today, with the rapid economic growth and military stature, Indias influence in South Asia in particular and the world in general, is beginning to emerge and being felt by all and sundry A study of various factors that would aid Indias emergence, as well as various impediments that retard this process merit analysis. India is a fast steadily developing country and today stands among the top few industrial nations in the world and has a rapidly growing industrial service sector. Although pover ty, illiteracy and health deficiencies are some of the vexing problems, yet only few nations have larger pools of trained professionals, scientific, technological and executive talents than that in India. India, as a nation is about over half a century old not considering her ancient and erstwhile status as one of the oldest civilisations. In this period of her independence, she has exhibited character and pedigree. She was instrumental to the creation of the Non Aligned Movement in the cold war era immediately after independence and show her aspiration of emerging as an independent power centre in world polity. She has on the issue of Nuclear Non proliferation taken a consistent stance even though this posture has met with the ire of the developed world has not deterred her. This attitude was demonstrated by her refusal to sign the CTBT and also the NPT. It is on record that it took her more than a quarter of a century to carry out a follow up nuclear test. This could be placed at the doorstep of the fact that her good neighbours China and Pakistan have continued to arm themselves with these offensive weapons. India in her nuclear policy states that she would abide with the principle s of no-first strike, nuclear deterrence as the cornerstone of that policy. And to continue to advocate for a ban on nuclear weapons like the type achieved on Chemical and Biological warfare weapons and the ban on use of land mines. These stated positions have recently been understood and appreciated by the entire world polity and the Indo-US Nuclear deal and its subsequent ratification at Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG) International Atomic Energy Asssociation (IAEA) have largely vindicated Indian stance on these issues. The engagement and involvement of India in G8, BRIC, RIC, ASEAN, IBSA in the geopolitical arena. The positions on WTO Climate change are also a case in point for growing stature of India on world stage. The Information Technology (IT) propels the world of technology in the present scenario. In this field, India has demonstrated outstanding abilities and progressed leaps and bounds in various facets, be it hardware or technology or software development. In the Silicon Valley of American, it is reported that 60,000 Indians operating there could collectively boast of assets worth more five hundred billion dollars. This is no mean achievement and the corresponding effect on India is the collateral development of the Asian Silicon Valley in Bangalore, Karnataka. In the field of IT, the Indian nation has arrived on the regional and the world stage. For this simple reason, her Engineers, Scientists, Doctors and Technologists are being sought across the globe. This is not to talk of the influence of Indian business houses and management gurus, in the entire world more so in the developing world, where they command an imposing stature in the fields of Textile technology and Pharmaceuticals. Indias stature as an IT Knowledge base powerhouse is a major factor in its rise at the world stage. India is a single democratic political entity, though slightly marred by mass/ public development issues and religious regional strifes varying from state to state. In view of the existing fluidity in the Asian region following the global paradigm, shift in the power distribution and the present status of India, an attempt to foresee Indias evolution as a regional power in South Asia by 2020 would be relevant. Scope The scope of this paper would be limited to analysing various factors governing the emergence of India as a regional power in South Asia by 2020 AD. Indias performance as an independent state would be given a brief overview along with her present status in the region. Preview To analyse the future, it is essential to critically evaluate Indias power potential as well as the impediments en-route. India has inherited a volatile, ethnic, religious and social mix that generates strong cross-currents of tension between the states of the region and added to this are the domestic under-currents of religious fundamentalism, communal tensions, demand for autonomous/ independent states and inherent problems of a multi-lingual and multi-racial society. Indias quest for the regional power status in this turbulent environment is underwritten by an increasingly open and vibrant economy and a Military Industrial complex that stretches deep into the bureaucratic structure of the nation. However, Indias attention has been primarily focused more on the problems associated with nation building and its immediate neighbourhood and, than on the Indian Ocean region, let alone the world. It is ironic that while on one hand, it is the problems of the neighbourhood that have largely driven Indias military build up, on the other hand it is these very problems that continue to limit its strategic reach. It is this combination of a drive for a great power status and intensifying regional and national problems that pose a number of questions about Indias future. This paper endeavours to understand and answer some of these questions. Source of the Data The source of the data are the various books in the college library, various magazines and articles written by various people from time to time. Internet was extensively used for collection of data, various study reports and articles. Bibliography is attached at Appx A. BRIEF HISTORY AND PRESENT STATUS The colonial powers that ruled India for centuries apparently visualised her potential and attempted to undermine it through a process of gradual disintegration. Formation of Pakistan is one vivid example of such designs. After independence, the citizens of India have displayed remarkable resilience to destructive forces. Despite impediments like poverty, corruption, ailing bureaucracy and population explosion, India has made significant progress in various fields to incl Education, Manufacturing, Knowledge based industry, IT, Space Technology, Pharmaceutical Industry. Today, India ranks among fastest growing economies of the world and IT Knowledge based industry powerhouse. In the past sixty years after independence, India has acquired great maturity and realism in the management of its strategic environment albeit with considerable pain and sacrifice. Indias posture has been based on a realistic assessment of its capabilities. It projects a defensive, progress oriented stance rather than an expansionist or a hegemonistic stance. India has continued to follow and propagate the ideology of non-alignment and is now on the threshold of coming out of its shell to play an important role at the world stage as a Global player if not as atleast as a major regional player. The case in point of the growing stature and understanding of the Indian nation has been- The nuclear agreement, which followed three weeks later, calling for the separation of Indias nuclear facilities into civilian and military, and bringing Indias civilian facilities under international safeguards in exchange for nuclear energy cooperation, demonstrated the growing strategic convergence bet ween the US India. Domestic political considerations have come in the way of the Indian government operationalising the nuclear deal. That notwithstanding, the deal was widely welcomed in India because it opened the doors for India to participate in civilian nuclear commerce with members of the NSG while allowing it to retain its nuclear weapons programme despite being outside the NPT. [7] PRESENT STATUS Contemporarily, India enjoys a leading status in South Asia. Militarily, she has displayed her potential either in a direct conflict, coercion or allaying any belligerence by its potential adversaries. Birth of Bangladesh, intervention in Sri Lanka Maldives, Indian Naval involvement in Gulf of Aden are a few indicators that India has acquired a great measure of the regional hegemony. Power status takes into account an ideological or political role and above all the economic health of a nation. Regional hegemony or dominance implies the existence of local military pre-ponderance and the availability of non-military instruments of pressure, including economic coercion. Studies of strategic power in the world politics commonly assign to India the status of a middle power of some regional significance, but little more'[8]. A nation state such as India, by virtue of its size, resources and geographical location, finds herself a power in regional terms whether or not it seeks the label and despite the fact that all its capabilities for regional dominance are not yet fully exploited. Indias current pre-eminence over its neighbours, however, is so substantial that its position has been recognised by the entire world, and implicitly so by all South Asian states as well.'[9] Recent years have witnessed a steady growth in Indias power, based upon a strong economic performance. According to the World Bank, Indias per capita income is now higher than Chinas and some reports put its rate of economic growth above Chinas in real terms. This increase in the underlying growth of the economy is what has underwritten Indias substantial growth in conventional military power. By virtue of its military growth, India has acquired , by default, a Maximalist position that would enable it to have a strategic reach throughout the Indian Ocean. Furthermore, with the prospect of a declining role for the superpowers in the region, Indias growth in military capability is likely to leave it stronger in relative as well as absolute terms. The erstwhile Soviet Union is no longer a major factor in the Indian Ocean and the peace dividend in the world politics may eventually lead to a reduced presence on the part of the United States. [10] While Indias emerging role is well acknowledged in the world, there are clear limitations both upon the current extent of Indias power and upon the rate at which that power will accrue. With India, it has been very much the question of WATCH THIS SPACE .'[11] INDIAS POWER POTENTIAL Geo-Strategic Location. India shares its borders with China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan. It has close proximity to Sri Lanka and the Maldives. Therefore, in South Asia, it has to directly interact with many neighbours. Strategically, India lies astride the Indian ocean, flanking the Persian Gulf and the Straits of Malacca. It lies across the routes from West Asia to South-East and East Asia and dominates the world trade routes. Therefore, the dominating position of India and its island territories would enable it to control the sea lines of communication between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans and consequently the world trade. Natural Resources. India has abundant natural resources. Its soil varies greatly from region to region. It is alluvial in the northern plains, sandy in the western desert, black in the Deccan Plateau and coarse in the hilly terrain. Each type is suitable for a particular group of crops. There are areas where trees grow on their own. They form the source of timber, pulp, resin, lac, gum and cane. Indias hydro-electric and coal reserves are massive. Oil exploration is limited but off shore potentials suggest a great amount of self reliance. Indias Thorium reserves are large. Its known reserves of Iron ore, which represent 10% of the worlds total and those of a wide range of other minerals suggest that India has the potential for a relatively independent economy.'[12] Human Resources. Human resources are of paramount importance in any economy. A human being comes not only with a mouth and a belly for consumption, but also with two hands to work. The adverse effects of unchecked population growth cannot be ignored; however, given the right direction and awakening, the population can be utilised constructively. A large young population helps to boost demand by providing an extensive and growing market for industrial products. It can lower wages, increase profits and output, encourage industrial development and open employment avenues. This is borne out by the fact that numerous MNCs are investing huge sums of money to tap the cheap Indian labour and the immense ready market. Economic Base. Till recently, multiple restrictions on private business co-operation and the goal of achieving economic self reliance had shackled the Indian economy by hindering unprejudiced co-operation from industrial nations. With the adoption of a liberalised economic policy, an extensive economic relation is now growing. The new economic policy lays greater emphasis on private enterprise and intensified competition for dynamic industrial progress and mordenisation. Prospects for a substantial upswing of economic growth seem to be favourable now. India has huge reserves of important raw material and a large domestic market. It also has a large group of entrepenures and managers experienced in organising and managing industrial enterprises under difficult circumstances. Given the improved setting for entrepreneurial activities, the large number of scientists and engineers, some of them highly qualified professionals, trained overseas or with practical foreign experience, could be of immense benefit to the country[13]. The expectations of economic development are based on an economic policy that is yet in its infancy. For long term stability the creation of a congenial atmosphere for foreign investment is necessary. Our focus would have to shift from development of industrial sector to the improvement of institutional framework for long term development. Greater efforts to improve social security are needed to cushion the effects of intensified industrial competition and to open up new possibilities for the impoverished classes to take a share in the economic development. Science and Technology. India began to develop its capabilities in science and technology soon after independence. However, the overall programme while impressive compared to that of other poor countries is inadequate and poorly organised in relation to the countrys potential and requirements[14]. Of the total research and development in the country, only 25% is used to promote innovation in industry and agriculture, while the major chunk contributes to development in areas like atomic energy, space programme and defence equipment. The latest thrust to uplift the economy has renewed the vigour in the sphere of science and technology also. The private sector has shown great promise to measure upto the national requirements and a healthy competition with other nations can be seen specially in areas like computer software and electronics. Numerous institutions are doing some original and promising research in various fields. Political System Indias political system was initially dominated by the small urban elite comprising leaders of the nationalist movement and an elitist civil service. At the state level, elected representatives wielded impressive influence in directing benefits to their constituencies and acting as channels of complaint and pressure within the bureaucracy. The system moved rapidly to broaden its base of support by bringing the bulk of peasantry into the system and also by including small business and trading interests. The evolution of such a system from the authoritarian colonial rule was accompanied by tension and uneven progress. India had managed to operate a complex ; constitutional, federal, parliamentary and party dominated political system with remarkable effectiveness. Indias manifold diversity and communal problems often raise the spectre of disintegration; these are common to a nation state building process that the developed countries experienced a century ago. In the Indian democratic set-up, its people have displayed a great amount of maturity in preserving their rights. Any display of authoritarianism by a democratically elected government has met with stiff opposition. A vivid example is the imposition of emergency in 1975 by Mrs Gandhi and her subsequent electoral defeat in 1977. The emergency and the general elections of 1977 were a test of democracy, equivalent in significance to a social revolution[15]. A seemingly large section of illiterate electorate is well aware of its might and is critical of the people who represent them in higher offices. India has managed to solve or at least contain major disputes on language policy and regional autonomy. At the same time religious, caste based and even communist organisations have been brought in and operate in a largely peaceful democratic institution. Indias political leaders have shown a firm resolution in making of both foreign and defence policies. The military also operates under political direction. Inherent stability is provided to the system by the presence of well established institutions like judiciary, banking and stock exchange. Future political crisis no doubt loom large, but this can only be expected considering the countrys social and economic metamorphosis. The durability and resilience of the Indian democratic system indicates that not only would it continue in the coming years but would also gain more strength and experience. Military Capability. Since their debacle in the 1962 Sino- Indian conflict, the Indian Armed Forces have come a long way. Today India possesses adequate defence capability to look after her interests. India is able to produce diverse military items such as small arms, field and anti-aircraft recoilless guns, howitzers, support electronic items, anti-tank, anti-aircraft and naval missiles, armoured vehicles, supersonic aircraft, helicopters, anti-submarine frigates, fast patrol boats and missile boats[16]. It has also demonstrated Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) technology. In space science, India is amongst the world leaders. All this has been achieved at a moderate expenditure of 3% of GNP per annum. Nuclear Potential. Having successfully exploded its first nuclear device on 18 May 1974; India has continued to maintain a stance of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes alone. However, the potential of India to develop a nuclear bomb cannot be denied. Indias nuclear structure is quite diversified. Beginning with the construction of Asias (outside erstwhile USSR ) first nuclear reactor in 1956, India has acquired the following major facilities[17]:- Half a dozen nuclear research reactors, all but one built without foreign assistance or participation. The ability to design and construct from equipment manufactured indigenously one 500 MW nuclear power station every second year. The competence to fabricate all sensitive nuclear instruments, fuelling assemblies, special alloys and materials, fissile plutonium and thorium from its own processes and plants. Asias first indigenously constructed variable energy cyclotron. Numerous other nuclear activities and support facilities, isotope production, mines, medicines, seismic arrays, fissile U-223, extraction processes, fusion, uranium enrichment research and so on. Openness and Resilience. Except for the brief period of emergency, India has had an open society with an active press and an intellectual community. Indian political and economic affairs are subject to constant criticism. Critics find information on India more readily available than for China, Pakistan and several developing countries. In addition, there is a constant flow of constructive criticism from internal sources. Viewed and used correctly, this criticism provides important inputs for betterment. Indian resilience is a widely recognised phenomenon. Many hostile designs to covertly disintegrate India became ineffective owing to the conciliatory approach of the polity. Factional and religio ethnic conflicts can only be expected in a country comprising of people with widely diversified religious faith. The phenomenon of sporadic flare ups is likely to continue in the coming decades too. At the same time, India would be able to absorb such irritants and continue its march forward into the 21st century. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE NEIGHBOURS South Asian Strategic Environment. The gridlock imposed by the Cold War over South Asian relationships meant that an unprecedented number of lethal weapons were introduced into the region in the 1970s and 1980s. The Cold War also contributed directly to the introduction opf technology associated with nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.the most obvious example was the case of Pakistan. Because United States needed Pakistan as a front line state in its efforts to dislodge the Soviet Union from Afghanistan, Washington turned a blind-eye to Pakistans nuclear activities and continued to supply it with sophisticated conventional weapons throughout the 1980s. Similarly, the close relationship that developed between China and Pakistan under the structure of the Cold War assisted the transfer of ballistic missiles, ballistic missile technology and possibly also nuclear weapons technology between the two.[18] The strategic environment in South Asia has been remarkably conflict laden; characterised by wars or hostile relations between neighbours, especially between India and her neighbours. Despite this history of war, nations do engage each other in peaceful competition as well as in a large amount of outright co-operation. The changes in the Indian foreign and security policy since the end of the Cold War have been rapid and radical. They have taken place as a reaction to the perceived rather far reaching changes in the global and regional security environments. The growing problem with terrorism, in terms of domestic, Kashmiri and international terrorism, manifested itself in attacks in major Indian cities, the hijacking of an Indian Airlines flight and the attack against the Indian parliament. Moreover, the exponentially growing power of China, its strategic assistance to Pakistan and the sudden disappearance of the Soviet backing to balance Chinas growing global and regional power re sulted in a feeling of encirclement and Analysis of Indias Potential in the New World Order Analysis of Indias Potential in the New World Order INTRODUCTION Background Dramatic changes at the global level have initiated a process of reorientation of the power distribution and emergence of new powers in international politics. The changes initiated with the disintegration of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR ), the unification of Europe in pursuit of an identity of its own ,a sharp decline of communism has set in a process of transition in world affairs, the sudden and consistent rise of asian countries mainly China, India ASEAN Bloc, emergence of resurgent Russia and establishment of new economic power blocs like the G20, BRIC RIC. The emergence of USA as the sole super power and its global war on terror have changed the security scenario for all and sundry. The existing obscurity has given rise to new opportunities, new speculations and new considerations regarding power distribution. A gradual shift from a geo-political world order to a geo-economical world order has come to stay. There is no doubt that any future order would have th e considerations such as comprehensive national power to incl Economy and the power it wields albeit indirectly, at the centre of any international power game. Global shifts happen rarely and are even less often peaceful. The transfer of power from west to east will dramatically change the context of dealing with international challenges. In the early 20th century the imperial order and the aspiring states of Germany and Japan failed to adjust to each other. That led to wars which devastated the better part of the world. The coming shift in power will have a greater impact globally and will require assimilation of diverse political and cultural systems. Todays rising powers seek redress of past grievances, are proudly nationalistic and want to claim their rightful place in the comity of nations. Asian rise in economic terms will translate into greater political and military power, thus increasing the potential damage from conflicts. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has noted that- In the next two decades China and India will undergo industrialisation four times the size of the United States and at five times the speedFor the first t ime in many centuries, power is moving East. Blair added that In this new world, we must clear a path to partnership, not stand off against each other competing for power. The worldcannot afford a return to the 20th century struggles for hegemony.[1] India being a part of this evolutionary and revolutionary strategic economic process needs to apprise herself of these changes and redefine: if required, her goals and objectives to emerge as a reckonable force from the present mesh of contradictions and complexities. The term reckonable force can be redefined as a regional power when one views Indias prospects vis-Ã  -vis her size, geo-strategic location, abundant natural resources, size of economy and military capability. The Indian nation is not just a nation, but a subcontinent. Being a subcontinent not only in size, but by its population which is in excess of One Billion, sets it apart in a World with a total population of a little above Five Billion means that in every Five Human being on Earth one is an Indian. It is on record that the Indian Armed Forces is the Fourth Largest in the World. India has since the past Twenty Eight years been exerting her influence in the South Asian sub-region. Thus India has functioned for over half her period of independence as a regional power in the literal sense. It is instructive that given the New World Order in which the US is about the only Super power, it is pertinent that in order to maintain the Balance of Power, that Nations like Brazil and India with a long period of History devoid of expansionist propensity, should emerge as a Super power to enhance the balance of power in the South Asian sub-region, and the World in general. The Indo-Pak conflict of 1971 leading to the emergence of Bangladesh, peace keeping operations in Sri Lanka, quick repression of an attempted coup in Maldives, deployment of Indian navy in Gulf of Aden and the enhanced engaegemnt and involvement of India in various international forums both on strategic geopolitical stage provide ample evidence that India possesses many of the attributes of a regional power. The emergence as a knowledge based economy and as a Human resource powerhouse, make India a force to reckon with today and strong vibrant economy in future. In the recent past, India enhanced role in plethora of world fora and the Indo-US Nuclear deal and subsequent ratification by Nuclear Suppliers Group IAEA. However, in some areas like all round economic development, poverty, population explosion, literacy rates and foreign policy to some extent, India is lacking at the moment. For India to emerge as a regional power, these unfavourable areas need critical attention and rea ppraisal. The Indian economy is growing at an average rate of 8 per cent a year. Most Indian and foreign observers are confident that India will sustain this tempo of growth in the near future, and will go on to become one of the worlds leading economies and a global political power in 2020. A few voices draw attention to the tremendous economic, political and social challenges facing India that the country must overcome before it can lay claim to being a world power [2]. Indians have always known that their nation has the potential to be significant power in a way in which citizens of nations with smaller populations do not. Nehru himself , for all that he emphasized the benign nature of Indian power, was clear in his mind that India, with its vast population, will always make a difference in the world Fate , he said, has marked for us big things.[3] Thus we need always be mindful of the developments that are occurring behind the veil of regional instability that is drawn across Indias rise to power. If that veil were ever to be drawn back, the world might witness the quite sudden advent of India onto the wider Indian Ocean stage as a significant pan regional player. That is not to say that India will quickly overcome the organizational and internal political difficulties alluded to above ; it is to make the point, rather, that as far as Indias Indian Ocean region is concerned, its power potential is very high when viewed in comparative terms. In this sense, it would be quite wrong to set India against the powers of the northern Pacific and to judge its power potential according to those standards.[4] Statement of the Argument A countrys role in the international system is not a random occurrence or a result of an accident; but is basically a function of its power position in the international hierarchy. To have a Subject Role in international politics is to be a part of the power structure and the inner circle that makes vital decisions about the fate and destiny of the international system and the nations within it. The Object Role nations are at the receiving end of the decisions made by the subject role nations. A third in-between category is that of an independent centre of power. These nations do not have the leverage to influence the course of the international system as a whole, but do possess enough capability to have, within a given configuration of power, a considerable degree of autonomy and the capability to resist the application of unwelcome and forced decisions. While subject nations have global influence, independent centres of power are often dominant or pre-eminent in a certain region. T hey may, therefore may also be referred to as Regional Powers . Typically a subject nation resists the emergence of a regional power; for to accommodate others to a similar role is to diminish ones own power. The tendency is to extend ones own power and exercise domination over others so as to reduce the emerging regional powers to the status of a mere object nation.[5] India gained pre-eminence in South Asia in the aftermath of the Indo-Pak war of 1971 but more recently with the steady economic growth, growing international stature and active interaction and involvement in various world forums have made it an independent power centre (regional power) in South Asia. With the recent changes in the world politics and diffusion of power, countries with regional prominence have come to possess a great capacity for asserting themselves. In this context, India has the capability and the potential to be elevated to the status of a regional power. An analysis of various factors in the light of international power structure would facilitate the prognosis of the status India is likely to achieve by 2020 AD i.e. Regional Power. Aim To assess Indias potential in the new world order so as to forecast the prospects of India emerging as a regional power in South Asia by 2020 AD. Justification for the Study Ever since gaining independence in 1947, India has moved slowly but steadily towards its role as a regional power. Historically, India has been the seat of famous ancient civilisations. It invokes memories of past greatness, though episodic; and of epochs of creativity, not only in Philosophy and Literature but also in Science and Mathematics. The fact that the last several centuries saw India under alien rule only makes aspirations in the restoration of greatness all the more deeply felt'[6]. Today, with the rapid economic growth and military stature, Indias influence in South Asia in particular and the world in general, is beginning to emerge and being felt by all and sundry A study of various factors that would aid Indias emergence, as well as various impediments that retard this process merit analysis. India is a fast steadily developing country and today stands among the top few industrial nations in the world and has a rapidly growing industrial service sector. Although pover ty, illiteracy and health deficiencies are some of the vexing problems, yet only few nations have larger pools of trained professionals, scientific, technological and executive talents than that in India. India, as a nation is about over half a century old not considering her ancient and erstwhile status as one of the oldest civilisations. In this period of her independence, she has exhibited character and pedigree. She was instrumental to the creation of the Non Aligned Movement in the cold war era immediately after independence and show her aspiration of emerging as an independent power centre in world polity. She has on the issue of Nuclear Non proliferation taken a consistent stance even though this posture has met with the ire of the developed world has not deterred her. This attitude was demonstrated by her refusal to sign the CTBT and also the NPT. It is on record that it took her more than a quarter of a century to carry out a follow up nuclear test. This could be placed at the doorstep of the fact that her good neighbours China and Pakistan have continued to arm themselves with these offensive weapons. India in her nuclear policy states that she would abide with the principle s of no-first strike, nuclear deterrence as the cornerstone of that policy. And to continue to advocate for a ban on nuclear weapons like the type achieved on Chemical and Biological warfare weapons and the ban on use of land mines. These stated positions have recently been understood and appreciated by the entire world polity and the Indo-US Nuclear deal and its subsequent ratification at Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG) International Atomic Energy Asssociation (IAEA) have largely vindicated Indian stance on these issues. The engagement and involvement of India in G8, BRIC, RIC, ASEAN, IBSA in the geopolitical arena. The positions on WTO Climate change are also a case in point for growing stature of India on world stage. The Information Technology (IT) propels the world of technology in the present scenario. In this field, India has demonstrated outstanding abilities and progressed leaps and bounds in various facets, be it hardware or technology or software development. In the Silicon Valley of American, it is reported that 60,000 Indians operating there could collectively boast of assets worth more five hundred billion dollars. This is no mean achievement and the corresponding effect on India is the collateral development of the Asian Silicon Valley in Bangalore, Karnataka. In the field of IT, the Indian nation has arrived on the regional and the world stage. For this simple reason, her Engineers, Scientists, Doctors and Technologists are being sought across the globe. This is not to talk of the influence of Indian business houses and management gurus, in the entire world more so in the developing world, where they command an imposing stature in the fields of Textile technology and Pharmaceuticals. Indias stature as an IT Knowledge base powerhouse is a major factor in its rise at the world stage. India is a single democratic political entity, though slightly marred by mass/ public development issues and religious regional strifes varying from state to state. In view of the existing fluidity in the Asian region following the global paradigm, shift in the power distribution and the present status of India, an attempt to foresee Indias evolution as a regional power in South Asia by 2020 would be relevant. Scope The scope of this paper would be limited to analysing various factors governing the emergence of India as a regional power in South Asia by 2020 AD. Indias performance as an independent state would be given a brief overview along with her present status in the region. Preview To analyse the future, it is essential to critically evaluate Indias power potential as well as the impediments en-route. India has inherited a volatile, ethnic, religious and social mix that generates strong cross-currents of tension between the states of the region and added to this are the domestic under-currents of religious fundamentalism, communal tensions, demand for autonomous/ independent states and inherent problems of a multi-lingual and multi-racial society. Indias quest for the regional power status in this turbulent environment is underwritten by an increasingly open and vibrant economy and a Military Industrial complex that stretches deep into the bureaucratic structure of the nation. However, Indias attention has been primarily focused more on the problems associated with nation building and its immediate neighbourhood and, than on the Indian Ocean region, let alone the world. It is ironic that while on one hand, it is the problems of the neighbourhood that have largely driven Indias military build up, on the other hand it is these very problems that continue to limit its strategic reach. It is this combination of a drive for a great power status and intensifying regional and national problems that pose a number of questions about Indias future. This paper endeavours to understand and answer some of these questions. Source of the Data The source of the data are the various books in the college library, various magazines and articles written by various people from time to time. Internet was extensively used for collection of data, various study reports and articles. Bibliography is attached at Appx A. BRIEF HISTORY AND PRESENT STATUS The colonial powers that ruled India for centuries apparently visualised her potential and attempted to undermine it through a process of gradual disintegration. Formation of Pakistan is one vivid example of such designs. After independence, the citizens of India have displayed remarkable resilience to destructive forces. Despite impediments like poverty, corruption, ailing bureaucracy and population explosion, India has made significant progress in various fields to incl Education, Manufacturing, Knowledge based industry, IT, Space Technology, Pharmaceutical Industry. Today, India ranks among fastest growing economies of the world and IT Knowledge based industry powerhouse. In the past sixty years after independence, India has acquired great maturity and realism in the management of its strategic environment albeit with considerable pain and sacrifice. Indias posture has been based on a realistic assessment of its capabilities. It projects a defensive, progress oriented stance rather than an expansionist or a hegemonistic stance. India has continued to follow and propagate the ideology of non-alignment and is now on the threshold of coming out of its shell to play an important role at the world stage as a Global player if not as atleast as a major regional player. The case in point of the growing stature and understanding of the Indian nation has been- The nuclear agreement, which followed three weeks later, calling for the separation of Indias nuclear facilities into civilian and military, and bringing Indias civilian facilities under international safeguards in exchange for nuclear energy cooperation, demonstrated the growing strategic convergence bet ween the US India. Domestic political considerations have come in the way of the Indian government operationalising the nuclear deal. That notwithstanding, the deal was widely welcomed in India because it opened the doors for India to participate in civilian nuclear commerce with members of the NSG while allowing it to retain its nuclear weapons programme despite being outside the NPT. [7] PRESENT STATUS Contemporarily, India enjoys a leading status in South Asia. Militarily, she has displayed her potential either in a direct conflict, coercion or allaying any belligerence by its potential adversaries. Birth of Bangladesh, intervention in Sri Lanka Maldives, Indian Naval involvement in Gulf of Aden are a few indicators that India has acquired a great measure of the regional hegemony. Power status takes into account an ideological or political role and above all the economic health of a nation. Regional hegemony or dominance implies the existence of local military pre-ponderance and the availability of non-military instruments of pressure, including economic coercion. Studies of strategic power in the world politics commonly assign to India the status of a middle power of some regional significance, but little more'[8]. A nation state such as India, by virtue of its size, resources and geographical location, finds herself a power in regional terms whether or not it seeks the label and despite the fact that all its capabilities for regional dominance are not yet fully exploited. Indias current pre-eminence over its neighbours, however, is so substantial that its position has been recognised by the entire world, and implicitly so by all South Asian states as well.'[9] Recent years have witnessed a steady growth in Indias power, based upon a strong economic performance. According to the World Bank, Indias per capita income is now higher than Chinas and some reports put its rate of economic growth above Chinas in real terms. This increase in the underlying growth of the economy is what has underwritten Indias substantial growth in conventional military power. By virtue of its military growth, India has acquired , by default, a Maximalist position that would enable it to have a strategic reach throughout the Indian Ocean. Furthermore, with the prospect of a declining role for the superpowers in the region, Indias growth in military capability is likely to leave it stronger in relative as well as absolute terms. The erstwhile Soviet Union is no longer a major factor in the Indian Ocean and the peace dividend in the world politics may eventually lead to a reduced presence on the part of the United States. [10] While Indias emerging role is well acknowledged in the world, there are clear limitations both upon the current extent of Indias power and upon the rate at which that power will accrue. With India, it has been very much the question of WATCH THIS SPACE .'[11] INDIAS POWER POTENTIAL Geo-Strategic Location. India shares its borders with China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan. It has close proximity to Sri Lanka and the Maldives. Therefore, in South Asia, it has to directly interact with many neighbours. Strategically, India lies astride the Indian ocean, flanking the Persian Gulf and the Straits of Malacca. It lies across the routes from West Asia to South-East and East Asia and dominates the world trade routes. Therefore, the dominating position of India and its island territories would enable it to control the sea lines of communication between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans and consequently the world trade. Natural Resources. India has abundant natural resources. Its soil varies greatly from region to region. It is alluvial in the northern plains, sandy in the western desert, black in the Deccan Plateau and coarse in the hilly terrain. Each type is suitable for a particular group of crops. There are areas where trees grow on their own. They form the source of timber, pulp, resin, lac, gum and cane. Indias hydro-electric and coal reserves are massive. Oil exploration is limited but off shore potentials suggest a great amount of self reliance. Indias Thorium reserves are large. Its known reserves of Iron ore, which represent 10% of the worlds total and those of a wide range of other minerals suggest that India has the potential for a relatively independent economy.'[12] Human Resources. Human resources are of paramount importance in any economy. A human being comes not only with a mouth and a belly for consumption, but also with two hands to work. The adverse effects of unchecked population growth cannot be ignored; however, given the right direction and awakening, the population can be utilised constructively. A large young population helps to boost demand by providing an extensive and growing market for industrial products. It can lower wages, increase profits and output, encourage industrial development and open employment avenues. This is borne out by the fact that numerous MNCs are investing huge sums of money to tap the cheap Indian labour and the immense ready market. Economic Base. Till recently, multiple restrictions on private business co-operation and the goal of achieving economic self reliance had shackled the Indian economy by hindering unprejudiced co-operation from industrial nations. With the adoption of a liberalised economic policy, an extensive economic relation is now growing. The new economic policy lays greater emphasis on private enterprise and intensified competition for dynamic industrial progress and mordenisation. Prospects for a substantial upswing of economic growth seem to be favourable now. India has huge reserves of important raw material and a large domestic market. It also has a large group of entrepenures and managers experienced in organising and managing industrial enterprises under difficult circumstances. Given the improved setting for entrepreneurial activities, the large number of scientists and engineers, some of them highly qualified professionals, trained overseas or with practical foreign experience, could be of immense benefit to the country[13]. The expectations of economic development are based on an economic policy that is yet in its infancy. For long term stability the creation of a congenial atmosphere for foreign investment is necessary. Our focus would have to shift from development of industrial sector to the improvement of institutional framework for long term development. Greater efforts to improve social security are needed to cushion the effects of intensified industrial competition and to open up new possibilities for the impoverished classes to take a share in the economic development. Science and Technology. India began to develop its capabilities in science and technology soon after independence. However, the overall programme while impressive compared to that of other poor countries is inadequate and poorly organised in relation to the countrys potential and requirements[14]. Of the total research and development in the country, only 25% is used to promote innovation in industry and agriculture, while the major chunk contributes to development in areas like atomic energy, space programme and defence equipment. The latest thrust to uplift the economy has renewed the vigour in the sphere of science and technology also. The private sector has shown great promise to measure upto the national requirements and a healthy competition with other nations can be seen specially in areas like computer software and electronics. Numerous institutions are doing some original and promising research in various fields. Political System Indias political system was initially dominated by the small urban elite comprising leaders of the nationalist movement and an elitist civil service. At the state level, elected representatives wielded impressive influence in directing benefits to their constituencies and acting as channels of complaint and pressure within the bureaucracy. The system moved rapidly to broaden its base of support by bringing the bulk of peasantry into the system and also by including small business and trading interests. The evolution of such a system from the authoritarian colonial rule was accompanied by tension and uneven progress. India had managed to operate a complex ; constitutional, federal, parliamentary and party dominated political system with remarkable effectiveness. Indias manifold diversity and communal problems often raise the spectre of disintegration; these are common to a nation state building process that the developed countries experienced a century ago. In the Indian democratic set-up, its people have displayed a great amount of maturity in preserving their rights. Any display of authoritarianism by a democratically elected government has met with stiff opposition. A vivid example is the imposition of emergency in 1975 by Mrs Gandhi and her subsequent electoral defeat in 1977. The emergency and the general elections of 1977 were a test of democracy, equivalent in significance to a social revolution[15]. A seemingly large section of illiterate electorate is well aware of its might and is critical of the people who represent them in higher offices. India has managed to solve or at least contain major disputes on language policy and regional autonomy. At the same time religious, caste based and even communist organisations have been brought in and operate in a largely peaceful democratic institution. Indias political leaders have shown a firm resolution in making of both foreign and defence policies. The military also operates under political direction. Inherent stability is provided to the system by the presence of well established institutions like judiciary, banking and stock exchange. Future political crisis no doubt loom large, but this can only be expected considering the countrys social and economic metamorphosis. The durability and resilience of the Indian democratic system indicates that not only would it continue in the coming years but would also gain more strength and experience. Military Capability. Since their debacle in the 1962 Sino- Indian conflict, the Indian Armed Forces have come a long way. Today India possesses adequate defence capability to look after her interests. India is able to produce diverse military items such as small arms, field and anti-aircraft recoilless guns, howitzers, support electronic items, anti-tank, anti-aircraft and naval missiles, armoured vehicles, supersonic aircraft, helicopters, anti-submarine frigates, fast patrol boats and missile boats[16]. It has also demonstrated Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) technology. In space science, India is amongst the world leaders. All this has been achieved at a moderate expenditure of 3% of GNP per annum. Nuclear Potential. Having successfully exploded its first nuclear device on 18 May 1974; India has continued to maintain a stance of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes alone. However, the potential of India to develop a nuclear bomb cannot be denied. Indias nuclear structure is quite diversified. Beginning with the construction of Asias (outside erstwhile USSR ) first nuclear reactor in 1956, India has acquired the following major facilities[17]:- Half a dozen nuclear research reactors, all but one built without foreign assistance or participation. The ability to design and construct from equipment manufactured indigenously one 500 MW nuclear power station every second year. The competence to fabricate all sensitive nuclear instruments, fuelling assemblies, special alloys and materials, fissile plutonium and thorium from its own processes and plants. Asias first indigenously constructed variable energy cyclotron. Numerous other nuclear activities and support facilities, isotope production, mines, medicines, seismic arrays, fissile U-223, extraction processes, fusion, uranium enrichment research and so on. Openness and Resilience. Except for the brief period of emergency, India has had an open society with an active press and an intellectual community. Indian political and economic affairs are subject to constant criticism. Critics find information on India more readily available than for China, Pakistan and several developing countries. In addition, there is a constant flow of constructive criticism from internal sources. Viewed and used correctly, this criticism provides important inputs for betterment. Indian resilience is a widely recognised phenomenon. Many hostile designs to covertly disintegrate India became ineffective owing to the conciliatory approach of the polity. Factional and religio ethnic conflicts can only be expected in a country comprising of people with widely diversified religious faith. The phenomenon of sporadic flare ups is likely to continue in the coming decades too. At the same time, India would be able to absorb such irritants and continue its march forward into the 21st century. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE NEIGHBOURS South Asian Strategic Environment. The gridlock imposed by the Cold War over South Asian relationships meant that an unprecedented number of lethal weapons were introduced into the region in the 1970s and 1980s. The Cold War also contributed directly to the introduction opf technology associated with nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.the most obvious example was the case of Pakistan. Because United States needed Pakistan as a front line state in its efforts to dislodge the Soviet Union from Afghanistan, Washington turned a blind-eye to Pakistans nuclear activities and continued to supply it with sophisticated conventional weapons throughout the 1980s. Similarly, the close relationship that developed between China and Pakistan under the structure of the Cold War assisted the transfer of ballistic missiles, ballistic missile technology and possibly also nuclear weapons technology between the two.[18] The strategic environment in South Asia has been remarkably conflict laden; characterised by wars or hostile relations between neighbours, especially between India and her neighbours. Despite this history of war, nations do engage each other in peaceful competition as well as in a large amount of outright co-operation. The changes in the Indian foreign and security policy since the end of the Cold War have been rapid and radical. They have taken place as a reaction to the perceived rather far reaching changes in the global and regional security environments. The growing problem with terrorism, in terms of domestic, Kashmiri and international terrorism, manifested itself in attacks in major Indian cities, the hijacking of an Indian Airlines flight and the attack against the Indian parliament. Moreover, the exponentially growing power of China, its strategic assistance to Pakistan and the sudden disappearance of the Soviet backing to balance Chinas growing global and regional power re sulted in a feeling of encirclement and